Senior Home Care

Welcome to MyHealth2go, LLC: Your Trusted Senior Home Managed Care Provider. We are dedicated to providing quality senior home care. Transitioning from a PPE supplier to a focus on quality home care, we bring our personal expertise to senior home managed care. As a state government-certified provider, our mission is to deliver the best possible care for your loved ones, especially during times of shortage in future pandemics. Join us in safeguarding the health and well-being of Minneapolis residents. Together, we can build a resilient community deeply connected through quality of life and care.

Our services and management

Procurement Strategy
Marketing Strategy

Antonia Busby


The world logistics

Aiyla Hakim

Manager Home Task

Supply Chain Network

Daichi Hamada

Manager of Home Care

MyHealth2go & Our Advantage

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21 years of experience

MyHealth2go has provided steady and reliable personal protection equipment (PPE) throughout the pandemic. We have established in-state warehouses and robust supply chains to ensure continuous stock availability in Minnesota.

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recognized for our expertise

Discover the MyHealth2go Difference: State-certified excellence, seamless supply chains, and personalized service. We're known for strategic partnerships and unwavering reliability in times of crisis. Choose us for unparalleled PPE solutions and logistics expertise. With MyHealth2go, prioritize safety and build resilience.

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from start to finish

Discover what sets us apart: Exceptional service, tailored solutions, proven expertise, and outstanding results. Choose us for unmatched quality and reliability, ensuring an exceptional experience at every turn. We're committed to exceeding expectations at every step of the way.

Cost of live in home care for seniors

Senior Home Care

Consult Your Minnesota Vendor's Directory

Look for MyHealth2go using our identifier: MH2GPPE503.

Fill Out The Required Application

Complete the necessary forms to initiate the process.

Contact Antonia Busby in Procurements

Reach out for detailed information and assistance.

Negotiate Contract Terms and Conditions

Discuss and finalize the specifics of our partnership.

For Government Departments of the State of Minnesota

If you require our assistance, MyHealth2go is listed in the state's vendor directory.

Follow These Steps to Partner With Us

Adhering to these guidelines will streamline our collaboration for effective service delivery.

Our Mission And About Us

Being Prepared for the Next Wave of Senior Managed Home Care

At MyHealth2go, LLC, our singular mission is to be fully prepared for the evolving landscape of senior home-managed care. We are committed to proactive measures and strategic planning, aiming to equip individuals and communities with essential knowledge, resources, and support. Our goal is to navigate and mitigate the challenges posed by future home care models effectively.

Through our expertise, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence, MyHealth2Go, LLC is dedicated to building resilience, safeguarding lives, and fostering a brighter, healthier future for everyone.



You do not have permission to enter this site. Please access our services through the State of Minnesota Vendor's Directory.

For questions, or employment verification inquiries: please contact us by email and We Will Reply Within 3 Business Days.

MyHealth2go, LLC

3540 Irvin AVE S

Minnetonka, MN 55408

Antonia C. Busby (Owner/CEO)